10 Jan Salvation Army Coat Sale Haul- Take Two
This weekend, I had the time of my life. Ok, maybe that was a bit dramatic but I did score some major goodies at the Salvation Army coat sale. Just look at my receipt above as proof. Five items for $36.53.
I’ve posted about the sale before, where a variety of coats {furs, trenches, leathers, bombers, etc} are sold for about $20-$30. However, since this was the last sale of the season, prices were slashed even greater.
I braved the cold {stood outside for an hour, brr} and I’m so glad I did. The last item I grabbed is my absolute favorite of the bunch. I’ve been on the hunt for a fur vest for what seems like eons and I finally lucked out. There’s no label inside, but it looks and feels like the real thing. $10
Click more to see the other items I found, including a camel coat and a $2 parka which normally retails for about $500.
The first thing I picked up was a wool and acrylic vest. I had no idea they even sold vests at the sale. $4
You know how I told you guys to try to shop in pairs when thrifting? I did that this time when Annika from TheFrisky.com joined me. She picked up this pale blue, soft-like-butter cropped leather jacket and passed it off to me. The fold over collar and cute buttons are great standout details. $10
I purchased a wool camel coat on my last Salvation Army trip but this Kenneth Cole number has toggles and a hood, so I had to get it, right? $9
I was on the fence about this DSquared parka and I initially put it back. Parkas just aren’t my style, but that’s exactly why I finally decided to get it {with a little urging from Annika}. I’ll most likely rock this on a casual, super cold weekend with a pair of skinnies or leggings and boots. The cashier thought this was a child’s coat {and I didn’t correct her}, so she only charged me $2. These coats normally range from $500 to $600. Score for Patrice.
And in total randomness, the Salvation Army started handing out beauty products. While we were on line, they wheeled in a massive crate of Kate Moss perfume and small cosmetics cases. I’m not blown away by the fragrance but the case will be put to good use. You just never know what you’ll get walking in to the Salvation Army. *yes, that’s my bright red couch in the reflection of the mirror*
It was a great day of thrifting.
Posted at 15:10h, 10 JanuaryI was there also on Saturday I got 5 items for $29, two were furs, a wool coat with fur and 2 children coats. I can’t wait for the next one. Nice fur vest.
Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 18:43h, 10 JanuaryYay, so glad you got some good stuff. It takes patience to deal with the crowd, but it’s so worth it!
Posted at 16:24h, 10 JanuaryOMG! You guys scored!
Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 18:43h, 10 JanuaryYup, we sure did. And next time you’ll have to join us!
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Posted at 09:42h, 10 January[…] on a Dime. She is a thrifter extradordinaire to the tenth power. This past Saturday she managed to score 6 coats for a grand total of […]
Posted at 20:58h, 10 JanuaryVery good finds. I wonder if the ATL one has deals like that. I need some nice coats.
Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 23:03h, 10 JanuaryYou should definitely look in to it. I’m sure all major cities have warehouse sales like this, especially around this time of year when they’re trying to get rid of their inventory.
Posted at 21:16h, 10 JanuaryI am SUPER jel! These are great finds! Reminds me of the fur vest I snagged at the thrift in this post:http://www.lovebrownsugar.com/2011/01/lovebrownsugar-chic-limited-edition.html
It takes some digging, but thrifting almost always pays off.
Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 23:04h, 10 JanuaryOoooh, nice vest! Yeah, some people don’t have the patience for digging but it really does pay off. It’s like the gold at the end of a rainbow 😉
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Posted at 14:22h, 10 January[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shaunequa Brathwaite. Shaunequa Brathwaite said: RT @LaDolceVitaInfo: Insanely jealous RT @FlyonaDime Salvation Army Coat sale: I snagged a Dsquared parka 4 $2 http://ow.ly/3BpCi <-seconded […]
Melissa & Melanie
Posted at 00:09h, 11 JanuaryUber Jealous! Which Salvation Army do you go to? You found some great stuff!
Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 15:12h, 11 January46th between 10th and 11th
Melissa & Melanie
Posted at 15:34h, 12 JanuaryI’ll have to check it out. Let us know the next time there’s a big sale we should know about. I love a good bargain.
Fashion Me Chic
Posted at 23:47h, 11 JanuaryI feel like I was there with you. I always enjoy your posts.
Pingback:Thrifty Threads – Fur and Studs | Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 09:06h, 21 January[…] finally got some of my Salvation Army coat sale items back from the cleaners and the first thing I had to wear was my fur vest. I’ve been […]
Pingback:Thrifty Threads – Adventures in L.A. | Living Fly on a Dime
Posted at 07:53h, 04 March[…] Jacket: thrifted for $10 from the Salvation Army coat sale Cardigan: Gap, thrifted for $1 Dress: thrifted for $7 Brooch: Miu Miu, thrifted for $6 Shoes: […]
Posted at 15:06h, 02 OctoberI’m going to one next week! I’m really short and skinny, usually a sz 00 or even big kid’s sizes. Did you see a lot of petite sizes or small sizes?
Posted at 21:09h, 02 OctoberYes, I see a variety of sizes from xs to 3xl. I’m a small and I found a ton of stuff!
Pingback:The Intrigue of Thrifting « El Taco
Posted at 21:03h, 20 October[…] after reading about Patrice Williams at Looking Fly on a Dime’s great experience at the Salvation Army’s Coat Sale, I wanted to do that too! Their next sale is on November […]
Pingback:The Intrigue of Thrifting | El Brooklyn Taco
Posted at 22:42h, 30 November[…] after reading about Patrice Williams at Looking Fly on a Dime’s great experience at the Salvation Army’s Coat Sale, I wanted to do that too! Their next sale is on November […]
Pingback:Update on My Year Long Shopping Challenge | Looking Fly on a Dime
Posted at 03:00h, 01 August[…] of my favorite finds. The last thing I needed was any more outerwear {I still have a ton from the Salvation Army coat sale}, but I couldn’t pass up these statement pieces. Zara coat with a faux fur trim and fire […]
Posted at 04:20h, 04 OctoberIf you are interested in selling your Dsquared Parka I’ll give you $ 500 provided it is in good condition. What size is it?
Pingback:Jackets and coats greatly discounted at the Salvation Army warehouse sale. | Looking Fly on a Dime
Posted at 03:01h, 26 October[…] the Bag sale, that’s been put on hold until further notice. But it’s the return of the Salvation Army coat sale at the 46th Street location. I first went to this sale two years ago and it’s become my go […]
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Posted at 06:00h, 01 May[…] clothes I’ve thrifted that are amazing designer finds but just not my size {like an awesome DSquared parka I bought for $2 and sold for more than 300 bucks!}. And I’m increasingly looking at online reselling, which […]
Posted at 23:49h, 20 DecemberIs the sale only once a year? I just moved to NY and I’m looking for great thrift locations.